Thursday, February 17, 2011

Making Money System

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“It is not possible for anyone but Apple to sell e-books at a profit on iOS under these rules,” says Morin, founder and CEO of BeamItDown Software, which makes an e-book app called iFlow Reader and sells books via its own online store.

Apple’s new rules, announced yesterday, say that developers such as BeamItDown must make their products available through Apple’s own store, where Apple takes a 30 percent cut of revenues. The change will affect companies that make their content—everything from books to movies and videos to TV shows—available to owners of Apple devices.

Until now, Morin and others, like Amazon, have sidestepped Apple’s store by employing a clever workaround—when you click on a button to buy a book, you are taken out of the app to a browser, where the transaction takes place.

Morin says Apple has told him in the past that this was perfectly fine.

“The bottom line is that unless the FTC intervenes, this will put us out of business,” says one developer. “Given Apple’s political clout, this probably will not happen."

But now Apple has changed its tune. Its new policy says that booksellers can keep selling books outside the Apple store, but only if they also make the same books available inside Apple’s store as well.

Thing is, most customers will buy via Apple, because it’s more convenient. And that’s where the problem arises.

Morin says he makes less than 30 percent profit on the books he sells. So if he has to sell via Apple’s store, he will lose money on every book he sells. On a $10 book, he will lose $1.15.

Daniel Acker/ Bloomberg via Getty Images

“The bottom line is that unless the FTC intervenes, this will put us out of business,” Morin says. “Given Apple’s political clout, this probably will not happen. But there is no doubt that their practices are anti-competitive. We have a much better e-reader than Apple, but that is utterly irrelevant in the totalitarian world of iOS.”

Even the big guys, like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, will suffer under Apple’s new rules, Morin says. Amazon and Barnes & Noble did not respond immediately to requests for comment. Neither did Apple.

Worse yet, Morin says, Apple’s new policies will prevent small developers from dreaming up new ideas for the iPad. “This is the death of innovation in e-readers on iOS,” Morin says.

Apple’s new rules also have huge implications for companies like Netflix and Hulu, which sell movies and TV shows via subscription. Essentially, Apple is demanding a 30 percent cut of their ongoing revenues from iPads. That’s the price for making their content available to customers who own Apple devices.

There’s no sense fretting about whether or not this is fair. Apple has a right (and, indeed, an obligation, as far as its shareholders are concerned) to extract as much value as possible from the online ecosystem it has created.

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A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

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You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

What Will Kill a Bull Market? Good <b>News</b> - CNBC

The best of times for the economy can be the worst of times for the stock market, and that may prove especially true in a market driven by trillions of dollars in monetary stimulus.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

About Making Money

In an interview with conservative pundit SE Cupp, former Senator (and possible presidential hopeful/wishful) Rick Santorum ticked off several reasons why he believes GOP supernova Sarah Palin is skipping this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), chiefly citing “financial benefit,” but also that she’s “the mother to all these kids.”

Is this a shot across Palin’s bow for 2012? Either way, it’s an unfair, sexist premise that has no basis in fact.

Here’s a clip of the interview, from

Let’s just break that down for a second. He’s essentially saying that Palin turned down the CPAC keynote slot because she’s too busy gettin’ paid (Palin does command hefty speaking fees), but that he wouldn’t have turned it down because he’s not “the mother to all these kids.” Palin has five children. Santorum has seven, so the implication is that there’s something about being a mom that necessitates whoring yourself out for speaking fees, while dude parents can freewheelingly stick to their principles.

Now, I’m certainly not afraid to criticize Sarah Palin when she deserves it, but Santorum’s remarks are not only unfair and offensive, they’re also completely unfounded.

First of all, despite her ability to collect hefty speaking fees, Sarah Palin actually does manage to do things for which she is not being paid. I’m not that familiar with her datebook, but even I noticed her December trip to Haiti. The only payment Palin received for that trip was a heap of inexplicably bad press. There’s no comparison between visiting Haitian cholera clinics and keynoting at CPAC, but it definitely shows that time and money are not the issue.

Some others have wondered if Palin skipped out as part of a wider boycott centered around the inclusion of gay conservative group GOProud. Palin put that notion to rest in a recent interview, defending the group’s inclusion (while also casting them as adversaries by comparing them to liberals).

The fact is, Palin has now turned down four CPAC invitations, and while she’s never given an explicit reason, there’s a pretty obvious one, at least for the last two. American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene, the organizer behind CPAC, had Palin booster John Ziegler ejected from Western CPAC in 2009 after Ziegler grilled Keene about comments he’d made that Sarah Palin “whined” about media coverage, and that she “bailed” on her post as Alaska Governor.

Ironically, Ziegler also confronted Keene about allegations that his organization would do anything for money, offering him $20 to write a pro-Palin op-ed.

Aside from Keene’s attacks on Palin, there’s also a lot of dissatisfaction with Keene and the ACU among conservatives, in general. Most won’t speak about it publicly, but the FedEx scandal, the perceived coddling of fringe elements at that Western CPAC, and other issues have dimmed some of the group’s luster among conservatives. While CPAC is still the best game in town for most conservatives to meet, greet, and share influence with others, Palin stands apart. CPAC needs her far more than she needs CPAC.

That actually points up the biggest fallacy in Santorum’s argument. Palin is a money-making machine, which i s all the more reason why she could afford to take a weekend off to keynote CPAC.

If there’s really no such thing as bad publicity, then Santorum will likely get a huge bang for the buck with this interview. Something tells me, though, that it won’t be a net gain for his already dim presidential hopes.

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The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives has begun the process of repealing the Healthcare law. Some have argued that, because the Senate may not repeal it as well, and the President will likely veto it, the House’s repeal is purely “symbolic.”

Just as the reading of the Constitution on the floor of the House, on Wednesday, was symbolic of a “return to constitutionalism,” as Charles Krauthammer writes, the repeal of the Healthcare law in the House will be symbolic not just of the fact that Republicans have heard the will of the American people, but also that they fully understand that the new law is, only superficially, a jumbled and thoughtless mess of rules about how healthcare should be delivered and paid for in this country. In reality, the Healthcare law is a liberal power grab that is gradually permitting the federal government to control more of our lives, making more people dependent upon the government and continuing the culture of dependency among minority groups who, up until now, have mostly voted liberals into power. The symbolism of the repeal will ring loud and clear.

Liberal Democrats will be launching a big campaign over the next few days, doing what they always accuse Republicans and conservatives of doing- “fear-mongering.”  They will be telling their constituents that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the repeal of the Healthcare law will increase debt, that Republicans don’t want people with pre-existing conditions to have access to health insurance, and that Republicans want to defund Medicare, new chairman of the House Budget Committee, Congressman Paul Ryan, has set out why these claims are wrong.

However, one of the features of the new Healthcare law, already in effect, is the extension of healthcare coverage to adult children (up until 26 years old), a hallmark of the true intention of this law- to make more people dependent, while it raises premiums on private health insurers who need more money to meet this new requirement.

For those who do not have adult children in the 21 to 26 age range, would it surprise you to know that these adult “children,” who are now covered, are not required to even live with their parents to remain on their plans, and that they may even be married and still be covered under their parents’ health plans?

Through the new Healthcare law, liberal Democrats have gradually introduced the concept that adult children should remain dependent on their parents, and when their parents are not around, perhaps the government can take over in that parental role? Of course, this new rule comes at a time when the economic decline made it difficult for young adults to obtain jobs. This is how the gradual creep of dependency begins: introduce a law which creates dependency on the government at a time of crisis, so that uninformed Americans will see it as a caring and positive intervention to help them in their time of need. This is how every entitlement legislation begins, and why none has ever been totally eradicated thus far, mainly because people have come to expect these benefits.

One of the newly elected members of Congress who understands well the liberals’ drive to make more Americans dependent on the government is Colonel Allen West of Florida. Congressman West will be serving in the Congressional Black Caucus and hopes to represent conservative philosophical ideas such as the importance of individual responsibility, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

In addition, as a result of the left’s encouragement of this culture of dependency, those who are truly in need will no longer have to seek voluntary assistance from neighbors and communities. Conversely, neighbors and communities will not be encouraged to voluntarily reach out to others because the knowledge that the government will provide for their friends’ needs may cause them to think twice. As such, dependency on the government creates more distance, and less connectivity, among members of a community.

At this point in time, any resistance to repealing the Healthcare law, and replacing it with commonsense legislation that reflects free market principles, will be almost entirely about continuing the culture of dependency, a hallmark of liberalism, that has taken over this country. We can be sure that liberals from the previous Congress will try hard to keep this culture in place. Their ability to remain powerful depends on it.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt - Celebrity <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

The foreign correspondent was the victim of a "brutal and sustained" attack.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Making Money Software

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Conformism and Public <b>News</b> | The Big Picture

Get your geek on: We study a model where investment decisions are based on investors' information about the unknown and endogenous return of the investment.

<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

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Conformism and Public <b>News</b> | The Big Picture

Get your geek on: We study a model where investment decisions are based on investors' information about the unknown and endogenous return of the investment.

<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

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Conformism and Public <b>News</b> | The Big Picture

Get your geek on: We study a model where investment decisions are based on investors' information about the unknown and endogenous return of the investment.

<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

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Conformism and Public <b>News</b> | The Big Picture

Get your geek on: We study a model where investment decisions are based on investors' information about the unknown and endogenous return of the investment.

<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

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°° Tube Station TV Software - Internet Fernsehen °° by thenyouwin

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Conformism and Public <b>News</b> | The Big Picture

Get your geek on: We study a model where investment decisions are based on investors' information about the unknown and endogenous return of the investment.

<b>News</b> Happening Now - KRQE

(KRQE NEWS 13) - As of 7:43 a.m. - Expectant mothers living on Albuquerque's Westside now have a shorter drive to make when they go into labor. Lovelace Hospital held a ribbon cutting on Thursday for the new birthing center at its ...

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

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I'd like to take the time to bust some of the myths about working online with a home-based business. It is believing myths like these that's causing 90 percent of people who are trying to work online to fail.

Making money online for free.

Now, this is not exactly a myth. For my experience, there are only two ways a truly make money online for free. One becoming a virtual assistant and working as an assistant for somebody online. Two, becoming a freelance worker with writing or photography. Other than that. There is no real way to make money online for free. Yes it's true that there are sites that give you free products to advertise, but in most cases you are going to have to invest some type of money in your business for either advertising or marketing purposes. The problem is most people want something for nothing. To be blunt, it is this type of naive thinking that causes people to fail.

Making a fortune overnight.

This is another myth that people fall for all of the time. Some let me tell you right now. You will not make money overnight, that is not how this works. Now not saying it is not impossible. With patience and diligence, you can work up to making money overnight. The problem is when people buy these so called get rich programs, people think there are going to start making money the next day. Trust me if this was true, there would be a lot more millionaires. So if you getting into a program, do not get your hopes high on making money in the next day. It does not exist.

Making money automated.

Again, this is not exactly a myth. It is possible to develop a system that makes you money online automated. But the myth part is that people actually sell so-called automated businesses. Again, these people are only giving you the product to sell. Like everything else, you have to start with baby steps and make money slowly. Once you start making money, then what you are supposed to do is invest in software that will make your business easier to conduct and more automated.

But more than likely you will never have a system that is already automated, you have to work for it. Most people just want a system that is going to do all the work, while they sit back and watch the money come. If you can bypass this wishful thinking and become a realist, eventually you can work towards investing in software to make everything automated.

Anything worth having, does not come easy. Remember this when you are working online.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

web internet marketing

Celebrity endorsements has been a time-honored marketing strategy for decades. But as the marketplace changes and social media begins to create its own stars, Companies are finding that the advantage of a celebrity endorsement is fading. And, signing a celebrity these days also involves risk that they could do something detrimental to the brand (Michael Vick? Tiger Woods?).

Katers17 in action for Mountain Dew

Enter the Internet and YouTube. And as social media has boomed in our new digital economy, causing people to go to friends and acquaintances for advice instead of traditional spokespeople, advertising and other one-way messaging. (See Katers17 do a Mountain Dew video for Pepsi)

And Enter after that, HitViews, a three-year-old agency that finds and manages internet video talent for use promoting big-brand companies. Instead of scripting commercials, the companies “hire” the stars to do their own thing and somehow involve the product in whatever that “thing” is. Most of these webvideo stars can quickly turn out videos that are seen by their hundreds of thousands of subscribers within a few short days.

Huge clients like Pepsi and Ford are doing it. They are not worried, for now, about how to measure results from the campaigns, though they all say they love the traffic it generates to their sites. It also allows them to appear more hip to potential younger buyers, who they are all trying to attract.

For the Full Story, on MarketWatch, click here.

Celebrity endorsements has been a time-honored marketing strategy for decades. But as the marketplace changes and social media begins to create its own stars, Companies are finding that the advantage of a celebrity endorsement is fading. And, signing a celebrity these days also involves risk that they could do something detrimental to the brand (Michael Vick? Tiger Woods?).

Katers17 in action for Mountain Dew

Enter the Internet and YouTube. And as social media has boomed in our new digital economy, causing people to go to friends and acquaintances for advice instead of traditional spokespeople, advertising and other one-way messaging. (See Katers17 do a Mountain Dew video for Pepsi)

And Enter after that, HitViews, a three-year-old agency that finds and manages internet video talent for use promoting big-brand companies. Instead of scripting commercials, the companies “hire” the stars to do their own thing and somehow involve the product in whatever that “thing” is. Most of these webvideo stars can quickly turn out videos that are seen by their hundreds of thousands of subscribers within a few short days.

Huge clients like Pepsi and Ford are doing it. They are not worried, for now, about how to measure results from the campaigns, though they all say they love the traffic it generates to their sites. It also allows them to appear more hip to potential younger buyers, who they are all trying to attract.

For the Full Story, on MarketWatch, click here.

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Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

Celebrity endorsements has been a time-honored marketing strategy for decades. But as the marketplace changes and social media begins to create its own stars, Companies are finding that the advantage of a celebrity endorsement is fading. And, signing a celebrity these days also involves risk that they could do something detrimental to the brand (Michael Vick? Tiger Woods?).

Katers17 in action for Mountain Dew

Enter the Internet and YouTube. And as social media has boomed in our new digital economy, causing people to go to friends and acquaintances for advice instead of traditional spokespeople, advertising and other one-way messaging. (See Katers17 do a Mountain Dew video for Pepsi)

And Enter after that, HitViews, a three-year-old agency that finds and manages internet video talent for use promoting big-brand companies. Instead of scripting commercials, the companies “hire” the stars to do their own thing and somehow involve the product in whatever that “thing” is. Most of these webvideo stars can quickly turn out videos that are seen by their hundreds of thousands of subscribers within a few short days.

Huge clients like Pepsi and Ford are doing it. They are not worried, for now, about how to measure results from the campaigns, though they all say they love the traffic it generates to their sites. It also allows them to appear more hip to potential younger buyers, who they are all trying to attract.

For the Full Story, on MarketWatch, click here.

Celebrity endorsements has been a time-honored marketing strategy for decades. But as the marketplace changes and social media begins to create its own stars, Companies are finding that the advantage of a celebrity endorsement is fading. And, signing a celebrity these days also involves risk that they could do something detrimental to the brand (Michael Vick? Tiger Woods?).

Katers17 in action for Mountain Dew

Enter the Internet and YouTube. And as social media has boomed in our new digital economy, causing people to go to friends and acquaintances for advice instead of traditional spokespeople, advertising and other one-way messaging. (See Katers17 do a Mountain Dew video for Pepsi)

And Enter after that, HitViews, a three-year-old agency that finds and manages internet video talent for use promoting big-brand companies. Instead of scripting commercials, the companies “hire” the stars to do their own thing and somehow involve the product in whatever that “thing” is. Most of these webvideo stars can quickly turn out videos that are seen by their hundreds of thousands of subscribers within a few short days.

Huge clients like Pepsi and Ford are doing it. They are not worried, for now, about how to measure results from the campaigns, though they all say they love the traffic it generates to their sites. It also allows them to appear more hip to potential younger buyers, who they are all trying to attract.

For the Full Story, on MarketWatch, click here.

bench craft company>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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bench craft company

Web Analytics Panel at Internet Marketing Conference in Stockholm, Sweden by internetmarketingconference

bench craft company

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

Celebrity endorsements has been a time-honored marketing strategy for decades. But as the marketplace changes and social media begins to create its own stars, Companies are finding that the advantage of a celebrity endorsement is fading. And, signing a celebrity these days also involves risk that they could do something detrimental to the brand (Michael Vick? Tiger Woods?).

Katers17 in action for Mountain Dew

Enter the Internet and YouTube. And as social media has boomed in our new digital economy, causing people to go to friends and acquaintances for advice instead of traditional spokespeople, advertising and other one-way messaging. (See Katers17 do a Mountain Dew video for Pepsi)

And Enter after that, HitViews, a three-year-old agency that finds and manages internet video talent for use promoting big-brand companies. Instead of scripting commercials, the companies “hire” the stars to do their own thing and somehow involve the product in whatever that “thing” is. Most of these webvideo stars can quickly turn out videos that are seen by their hundreds of thousands of subscribers within a few short days.

Huge clients like Pepsi and Ford are doing it. They are not worried, for now, about how to measure results from the campaigns, though they all say they love the traffic it generates to their sites. It also allows them to appear more hip to potential younger buyers, who they are all trying to attract.

For the Full Story, on MarketWatch, click here.

Celebrity endorsements has been a time-honored marketing strategy for decades. But as the marketplace changes and social media begins to create its own stars, Companies are finding that the advantage of a celebrity endorsement is fading. And, signing a celebrity these days also involves risk that they could do something detrimental to the brand (Michael Vick? Tiger Woods?).

Katers17 in action for Mountain Dew

Enter the Internet and YouTube. And as social media has boomed in our new digital economy, causing people to go to friends and acquaintances for advice instead of traditional spokespeople, advertising and other one-way messaging. (See Katers17 do a Mountain Dew video for Pepsi)

And Enter after that, HitViews, a three-year-old agency that finds and manages internet video talent for use promoting big-brand companies. Instead of scripting commercials, the companies “hire” the stars to do their own thing and somehow involve the product in whatever that “thing” is. Most of these webvideo stars can quickly turn out videos that are seen by their hundreds of thousands of subscribers within a few short days.

Huge clients like Pepsi and Ford are doing it. They are not worried, for now, about how to measure results from the campaigns, though they all say they love the traffic it generates to their sites. It also allows them to appear more hip to potential younger buyers, who they are all trying to attract.

For the Full Story, on MarketWatch, click here.

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Web Analytics Panel at Internet Marketing Conference in Stockholm, Sweden by internetmarketingconference

bench craft company

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

Web Analytics Panel at Internet Marketing Conference in Stockholm, Sweden by internetmarketingconference

bench craft company

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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bench craft company

Web Analytics Panel at Internet Marketing Conference in Stockholm, Sweden by internetmarketingconference

bench craft company
bench craft company

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro <b>...</b>

Sigma announcements include 120-300mm F2.8 and 150mm F2.8 Macro pricing: CP+ 2011: In addition to its latest lens announcements, Sigma has announced the price and availability of its 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM and Macro 150mm F2.8 EX ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

If you are starting out in the area of Internet marketing you will find that there are so many different things to learn such as Search engine optimization, list building, auto responders, affiliate programs, affiliate marketing, blogging, blogs, making money on line, Ebay, buying, selling and creating products, article marketing, email marketing, domain names, url addresses, website, web hosting companies, joint ventures, back links, branding yourself, and the list goes on and on.

Now you can try to learn all of this information and if you have enough money and enough time and you are sufficiently motivated I am betting you will eventually achieve the results you are looking for. Now notice I said if you have enough money and enough time you will get the results. If you can get the same results if not better without spending a lot of money and a lot of time why would you not pursue that avenue?

How do you pursue the avenue that will allow you to save some time and money? You get yourself a mentor or a coach or you can look things up on the Internet and join forums and message boards and talk to other individuals that are trying to do the things you are trying to accomplish. Successful individuals are always willing to share information it's just a matter of seeking them out and asking. Ask and you shall receive.

Never go it alone. That's one trip that's just too time consuming and costly. Get help whenever and wherever you can find it. There is nothing like having a team of individuals that will help you meet your goals and vice versa by way of brainstorming activities. A team establishes synergy because there is an exchange of energy, passion, enthusiasm, ideas, communication and knowledge bases.

When you operate or function as a team you can get so much more done. Each person on the team has a sincere interest in helping everyone else achieve their goals and objectives. You can even establish your own Internet marketing team to help everyone meet their goals and objectives. If you decide to do this it is best to have a game plan laid out and make sure everyone understands what the objective is and what you are trying to accomplish. With these little details in place right at the beginning you will see so much more accomplished and a lot faster.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

<b>News</b> Desk: Tim Armstrong&#39;s Hail Mary Pass : The New Yorker

He boldly threw about a hundred and twenty million dollars per year at Patch, an attempt to create hyper-local online news sites, which I describe in my piece on Armstrong that ran in the magazine last month. He hired more journalists ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making Money With Options

Despite the explosive growth of Android, application developers have voiced their share of complaints about the platform. Eric Chu, group manager of Android, tried to address some of those concerns today while speaking to an audience of developers at the Inside Social Apps InFocus conference in San Francisco.

Most specifically, he talked about the rejection of “mobile arcade application” Kongregate from the Google Android Marketplace.

“It’s clear within our terms of services that you should not distribute a competing marketplace or store,” Chu said. Applications that sell physical products or virtual goods are fine, but competing app stores are not. And Kongregate, in Google’s eyes, was clearly an app store. (I’m pretty sure Chu wasn’t commenting on the fact that Kongregate was just added to the Marketplace again. With the new app, in an attempt to get around Google’s restriction, games aren’t downloaded onto the phone.)

That seems like an interesting statement coming from Google, which is constantly touting its openness, especially when comparing Android to Apple’s App Store. But Chu said it’s important to distinguish between Android as a platform, which is totally open, and Google’s Android Marketplace, which Google needs to control more tightly, so that apps deliver a good user experience across multiple devices. If developers don’t like the Marketplace’s restrictions, that’s why there are a number of other Android app stores.

“Competition is always good,” Chu said.

Another big topic during the panel was the Marketplace’s lack of support for in-app payments, which has been cited as one of the reasons that Android app developers aren’t making as much money as their counterparts on the iPhone. Chu said his team is working hard to add that feature as soon as possible. In the meantime, he said Google doesn’t want developers using other in-app payments options in the Marketplace — because again, it wants to protect that user experience.

Next Story: Sequoia Capital rakes in $1.3B for the Valley and China Previous Story: Superstar Marc Bodnick leaving Yelp, Facebook investor Elevation Partners

Another Facebook change, another privacy uproar. Read the headlines and you might have thought the social network was planning to open the books on private cellphone numbers and home addresses to any advertiser willing to slip them some cash, rather than adding some more sharing options along with the usual granular control over who gets to see what of your digital details. Unsurprisingly Facebook froze its plans pending a reassessment of its privacy controls; unfortunately, nobody is taking Facebook users – and the online community in general – to task over taking some responsibility for what they share.

If you haven’t been following the story, here’s the situation in a nutshell. Facebook announced on Friday that it was planning to add address and mobile number to the personal information that could be shared with applications, websites and advertisers. As with other personal details, the degree to which that data was accessible would be managed under each user’s permissions settings: everything from a come-and-get-me open pipe to a complete block on anything being revealed. Facebook billed it as a way to “easily share your address and mobile phone with a shopping site to streamline the checkout process, or sign up for up-to-the-minute alerts on special deals directly to your mobile phone.”

Don’t get me wrong; I’m under no illusion that Facebook is doing this for altruistic reasons. Making online purchases quicker is undoubtedly handy to those who actually click through Facebook adverts, but for the social network itself it’s all about making money from its most valuable asset: its millions of registered users. Just like with a free newspaper, Facebook makes its money by showing you adverts, and it can use your personal information to tailor those ads more appropriately. Access to personal contact details, meanwhile, is even more valuable.

However, just because there’s profit to be made for Facebook, it doesn’t mean this is either bad for the user or a sign of Evil Big Business taking advantage of the general public. We manage the degrees to which we disclose personal information all the time, long before Facebook arrived and gave us a simple privacy settings page to work with. Every time you avoid giving your phone number to a door-to-door charity worker, tick the no-junk-mail box on a bank form or refuse to give your address to someone you just met at a bar, you’re exercising your own, personal privacy filter.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. After all, it only takes a quick glance at sites like Lamebook (often NSFW) to see that many Facebook users have problems with over-sharing, accidentally making public posts out of what were meant to be private messages, and generally forgetting who out of their friends and family can read what they’re saying. Maybe Facebook does have some intrinsic responsibility to shepherd its members through the difficult journey that is online life; perhaps the privacy pages really won’t be complete until there’s color coding, pop-up warnings and a virtual cash register showing just how much you’ve lined Mark Zuckerberg’s pocket.

This constant push-me-pull-me with Facebook does users no favours. Every time the privacy patrol scream, and Facebook backtracks, it reinforces the idea that the site itself is solely responsible – should be responsible – for making safe use of the information we share online. Don’t get me wrong, if Facebook was looking to sneak in a “we can sell your identify” clause into the T&Cs, that’s something worth shouting about. When, though, we muster the same amount of vitriol for sharing options that already have safeguards – safeguards that satisfactorily protect our email address and other details – it looks more like abdication of responsibility. We want to trust Facebook do “do the right thing” – based on our own interpretation of what “the right thing” is, exactly – so that we won’t have to. We can spend our time looking up old crushes, posting photos of ourselves looking fierce in clubs, and commenting on videos of cats.

Privacy is important, but the responsibility begins at the individual level. Just as you don’t hand out your address to strangers in the street, maybe giving it to every website that asks isn’t all that sensible either. Relying on other people, or companies, to protect us universally is a naivety we abandon before adulthood in the real world, yet something many seem determined to cling to online. That’s before you get to the thorny issue of lost or stolen data. In the end, it’s your life, your number, your face: it’s up to you whether it’s an open book.

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Despite the explosive growth of Android, application developers have voiced their share of complaints about the platform. Eric Chu, group manager of Android, tried to address some of those concerns today while speaking to an audience of developers at the Inside Social Apps InFocus conference in San Francisco.

Most specifically, he talked about the rejection of “mobile arcade application” Kongregate from the Google Android Marketplace.

“It’s clear within our terms of services that you should not distribute a competing marketplace or store,” Chu said. Applications that sell physical products or virtual goods are fine, but competing app stores are not. And Kongregate, in Google’s eyes, was clearly an app store. (I’m pretty sure Chu wasn’t commenting on the fact that Kongregate was just added to the Marketplace again. With the new app, in an attempt to get around Google’s restriction, games aren’t downloaded onto the phone.)

That seems like an interesting statement coming from Google, which is constantly touting its openness, especially when comparing Android to Apple’s App Store. But Chu said it’s important to distinguish between Android as a platform, which is totally open, and Google’s Android Marketplace, which Google needs to control more tightly, so that apps deliver a good user experience across multiple devices. If developers don’t like the Marketplace’s restrictions, that’s why there are a number of other Android app stores.

“Competition is always good,” Chu said.

Another big topic during the panel was the Marketplace’s lack of support for in-app payments, which has been cited as one of the reasons that Android app developers aren’t making as much money as their counterparts on the iPhone. Chu said his team is working hard to add that feature as soon as possible. In the meantime, he said Google doesn’t want developers using other in-app payments options in the Marketplace — because again, it wants to protect that user experience.

Next Story: Sequoia Capital rakes in $1.3B for the Valley and China Previous Story: Superstar Marc Bodnick leaving Yelp, Facebook investor Elevation Partners

Another Facebook change, another privacy uproar. Read the headlines and you might have thought the social network was planning to open the books on private cellphone numbers and home addresses to any advertiser willing to slip them some cash, rather than adding some more sharing options along with the usual granular control over who gets to see what of your digital details. Unsurprisingly Facebook froze its plans pending a reassessment of its privacy controls; unfortunately, nobody is taking Facebook users – and the online community in general – to task over taking some responsibility for what they share.

If you haven’t been following the story, here’s the situation in a nutshell. Facebook announced on Friday that it was planning to add address and mobile number to the personal information that could be shared with applications, websites and advertisers. As with other personal details, the degree to which that data was accessible would be managed under each user’s permissions settings: everything from a come-and-get-me open pipe to a complete block on anything being revealed. Facebook billed it as a way to “easily share your address and mobile phone with a shopping site to streamline the checkout process, or sign up for up-to-the-minute alerts on special deals directly to your mobile phone.”

Don’t get me wrong; I’m under no illusion that Facebook is doing this for altruistic reasons. Making online purchases quicker is undoubtedly handy to those who actually click through Facebook adverts, but for the social network itself it’s all about making money from its most valuable asset: its millions of registered users. Just like with a free newspaper, Facebook makes its money by showing you adverts, and it can use your personal information to tailor those ads more appropriately. Access to personal contact details, meanwhile, is even more valuable.

However, just because there’s profit to be made for Facebook, it doesn’t mean this is either bad for the user or a sign of Evil Big Business taking advantage of the general public. We manage the degrees to which we disclose personal information all the time, long before Facebook arrived and gave us a simple privacy settings page to work with. Every time you avoid giving your phone number to a door-to-door charity worker, tick the no-junk-mail box on a bank form or refuse to give your address to someone you just met at a bar, you’re exercising your own, personal privacy filter.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. After all, it only takes a quick glance at sites like Lamebook (often NSFW) to see that many Facebook users have problems with over-sharing, accidentally making public posts out of what were meant to be private messages, and generally forgetting who out of their friends and family can read what they’re saying. Maybe Facebook does have some intrinsic responsibility to shepherd its members through the difficult journey that is online life; perhaps the privacy pages really won’t be complete until there’s color coding, pop-up warnings and a virtual cash register showing just how much you’ve lined Mark Zuckerberg’s pocket.

This constant push-me-pull-me with Facebook does users no favours. Every time the privacy patrol scream, and Facebook backtracks, it reinforces the idea that the site itself is solely responsible – should be responsible – for making safe use of the information we share online. Don’t get me wrong, if Facebook was looking to sneak in a “we can sell your identify” clause into the T&Cs, that’s something worth shouting about. When, though, we muster the same amount of vitriol for sharing options that already have safeguards – safeguards that satisfactorily protect our email address and other details – it looks more like abdication of responsibility. We want to trust Facebook do “do the right thing” – based on our own interpretation of what “the right thing” is, exactly – so that we won’t have to. We can spend our time looking up old crushes, posting photos of ourselves looking fierce in clubs, and commenting on videos of cats.

Privacy is important, but the responsibility begins at the individual level. Just as you don’t hand out your address to strangers in the street, maybe giving it to every website that asks isn’t all that sensible either. Relying on other people, or companies, to protect us universally is a naivety we abandon before adulthood in the real world, yet something many seem determined to cling to online. That’s before you get to the thorny issue of lost or stolen data. In the end, it’s your life, your number, your face: it’s up to you whether it’s an open book.

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Rock Christmas 2010 with a Malibu Boat by MalibuImages

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Despite the explosive growth of Android, application developers have voiced their share of complaints about the platform. Eric Chu, group manager of Android, tried to address some of those concerns today while speaking to an audience of developers at the Inside Social Apps InFocus conference in San Francisco.

Most specifically, he talked about the rejection of “mobile arcade application” Kongregate from the Google Android Marketplace.

“It’s clear within our terms of services that you should not distribute a competing marketplace or store,” Chu said. Applications that sell physical products or virtual goods are fine, but competing app stores are not. And Kongregate, in Google’s eyes, was clearly an app store. (I’m pretty sure Chu wasn’t commenting on the fact that Kongregate was just added to the Marketplace again. With the new app, in an attempt to get around Google’s restriction, games aren’t downloaded onto the phone.)

That seems like an interesting statement coming from Google, which is constantly touting its openness, especially when comparing Android to Apple’s App Store. But Chu said it’s important to distinguish between Android as a platform, which is totally open, and Google’s Android Marketplace, which Google needs to control more tightly, so that apps deliver a good user experience across multiple devices. If developers don’t like the Marketplace’s restrictions, that’s why there are a number of other Android app stores.

“Competition is always good,” Chu said.

Another big topic during the panel was the Marketplace’s lack of support for in-app payments, which has been cited as one of the reasons that Android app developers aren’t making as much money as their counterparts on the iPhone. Chu said his team is working hard to add that feature as soon as possible. In the meantime, he said Google doesn’t want developers using other in-app payments options in the Marketplace — because again, it wants to protect that user experience.

Next Story: Sequoia Capital rakes in $1.3B for the Valley and China Previous Story: Superstar Marc Bodnick leaving Yelp, Facebook investor Elevation Partners

Another Facebook change, another privacy uproar. Read the headlines and you might have thought the social network was planning to open the books on private cellphone numbers and home addresses to any advertiser willing to slip them some cash, rather than adding some more sharing options along with the usual granular control over who gets to see what of your digital details. Unsurprisingly Facebook froze its plans pending a reassessment of its privacy controls; unfortunately, nobody is taking Facebook users – and the online community in general – to task over taking some responsibility for what they share.

If you haven’t been following the story, here’s the situation in a nutshell. Facebook announced on Friday that it was planning to add address and mobile number to the personal information that could be shared with applications, websites and advertisers. As with other personal details, the degree to which that data was accessible would be managed under each user’s permissions settings: everything from a come-and-get-me open pipe to a complete block on anything being revealed. Facebook billed it as a way to “easily share your address and mobile phone with a shopping site to streamline the checkout process, or sign up for up-to-the-minute alerts on special deals directly to your mobile phone.”

Don’t get me wrong; I’m under no illusion that Facebook is doing this for altruistic reasons. Making online purchases quicker is undoubtedly handy to those who actually click through Facebook adverts, but for the social network itself it’s all about making money from its most valuable asset: its millions of registered users. Just like with a free newspaper, Facebook makes its money by showing you adverts, and it can use your personal information to tailor those ads more appropriately. Access to personal contact details, meanwhile, is even more valuable.

However, just because there’s profit to be made for Facebook, it doesn’t mean this is either bad for the user or a sign of Evil Big Business taking advantage of the general public. We manage the degrees to which we disclose personal information all the time, long before Facebook arrived and gave us a simple privacy settings page to work with. Every time you avoid giving your phone number to a door-to-door charity worker, tick the no-junk-mail box on a bank form or refuse to give your address to someone you just met at a bar, you’re exercising your own, personal privacy filter.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. After all, it only takes a quick glance at sites like Lamebook (often NSFW) to see that many Facebook users have problems with over-sharing, accidentally making public posts out of what were meant to be private messages, and generally forgetting who out of their friends and family can read what they’re saying. Maybe Facebook does have some intrinsic responsibility to shepherd its members through the difficult journey that is online life; perhaps the privacy pages really won’t be complete until there’s color coding, pop-up warnings and a virtual cash register showing just how much you’ve lined Mark Zuckerberg’s pocket.

This constant push-me-pull-me with Facebook does users no favours. Every time the privacy patrol scream, and Facebook backtracks, it reinforces the idea that the site itself is solely responsible – should be responsible – for making safe use of the information we share online. Don’t get me wrong, if Facebook was looking to sneak in a “we can sell your identify” clause into the T&Cs, that’s something worth shouting about. When, though, we muster the same amount of vitriol for sharing options that already have safeguards – safeguards that satisfactorily protect our email address and other details – it looks more like abdication of responsibility. We want to trust Facebook do “do the right thing” – based on our own interpretation of what “the right thing” is, exactly – so that we won’t have to. We can spend our time looking up old crushes, posting photos of ourselves looking fierce in clubs, and commenting on videos of cats.

Privacy is important, but the responsibility begins at the individual level. Just as you don’t hand out your address to strangers in the street, maybe giving it to every website that asks isn’t all that sensible either. Relying on other people, or companies, to protect us universally is a naivety we abandon before adulthood in the real world, yet something many seem determined to cling to online. That’s before you get to the thorny issue of lost or stolen data. In the end, it’s your life, your number, your face: it’s up to you whether it’s an open book.

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Rock Christmas 2010 with a Malibu Boat by MalibuImages

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Rock Christmas 2010 with a Malibu Boat by MalibuImages

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Rock Christmas 2010 with a Malibu Boat by MalibuImages

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benchcraft company scam

Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Increasing fees and decreasing revenue have sent some eBay sellers looking for an alternative way to make money. Many found just what they wanted at, a free estore web hosting service with an excellent Alexa ranking. Advanced sellers, however, may prefer or Vstore. Store owners who have some experience in HTML, php and MySQL, and beginners who have time to learn, will find more options to customize and organize their stores with Shopify and Vstore.

Shopify's website is sleek and simple. Beginners to ecommerce may find it difficult to use at first. There's no frequently asked question page or help section on the home page. There is a community forum and blog where users can get information about everything regarding making money with estores. Some of the featured Shopify stores on the Shopify blog are elegant and well designed.

Alexa information regarding Shopify shows recent traffic to be lower. This could be due to a variety of factors. Shopify's ranking is above Vstore's, although both rank in the top 35,000. ('s Alexa ranking is around 16,000.) Vstore offers basic and premium webhosting store services. However, all store owners must start with the basic, free store before being given the opportunity to upgrade to premium.

Beginning to intermediate computer users may prefer Vstore web hosting when it comes to editing templates and managing store settings. The basic estore ecommerce features include product reviews by customers as well as sellers, cross selling tools, specials and best-seller tools, coupons and gift certificate options, customer printable catalog, unlimited categories and subcategories and bulk upload.

Unlike Shopify, Vstore's site offers more immediate information regarding product details and help. The feature list is very detailed (five pages) and set up for comparison of basic and premium hosting and ecommerce services.

Like Ecrater, Vstore recommends Doba and Worldwide Brands (WWB) if you need inventory. Since WWB holds a serious eBay seller supplier reputation, finding them recommended isn't surprising. Doba runs frequent pricing specials, as does WWB. Newbies and beginners who do not have a current supplier or stock of inventory to sell may want to start small, selling items from home that aren't needed or wanted or buying locally and reselling online.

There is life after eBay and there are successful store owners operating ecommerce businesses without listing at eBay, Amazon or Booksellers who are no longer happy with Abe and Alibris might want to take a look at free estore hosting. The bulk lister options allow the uploading of tab-delimited or comma-delimited files, making it easy to quickly stock your new estore.

While both Vstore and Shopify offer more customization than Ecrater, there are some differences. Vstore's home page menu is quite lengthy with extensive help options visible. Shopify's menu is simple and sleek. No FAQ. There is a forum and support contact information. Potential store owners can easily check both sites out before committing to one or the other.

If you're really motivated and have plenty of inventory or plenty of interests, you can diversify and open stores on both sites. Vstore allows the sale of lingerie if your photos feature lingerie and not women in lingerie. Adult stores are not allowed. Nor are wicca and some other products. Shopify doesn't make their policy clear regarding store types, but while checking out the forum, a click on one poster's page revealed an adult store in France. The ability to read French isn't necessary since product photos are quite clear.

If, for any reason, you're considering making money online with an estore, do take the time to check out Vstore and Shopify's free ecommerce options. If you already have products, you can open a store without any upfront cost. All you will have to pay are merchant fees after an item sells.

big seminar 14

Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

big seminar 14

Reducing salt in teen diet could have big impact on future health <b>...</b>

Cutting back on salt in teenagers' diets by as little as one-half teaspoon, or three grams, a day, could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure by 44 to 63 percent, according to new research presented Sunday, Nov. ...

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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