Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Making Money on Line

KepCorp2040 by chialingxl

There are few feelings as frustrating as encountering a flight delay or cancellation, especially during holiday travel.

Your anguish can be compounded by poor communication and a lack of customer service from the airlines.

First, try these 6 Tips To Avoiding Flight Delays. But if delays and cancellations do occur, realize that you’re not powerless in these situations.

Take these steps to reach your destination as soon as possible – while making the most of the situation when you can’t…

  1. Arrive armed. Not with guns, with knowledge. It’s the greatest weapon against airport delays. First, check the status of your flight before leaving home. I once found out that my 8 a.m. flight was going to be delayed two hours, so I slept in an enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at home. When I arrived at the airport, it was clear that most of my fellow passengers had been waiting at the gate since sunrise.

  2. Plan alternates. As a pilot myself, I know never to take off without a back-up plan in case I encounter a problem en route to my destination. As a passenger, I practice the same technique. If it’s critical I get there that day, I do some research before my traveling to find out what other flights I could take if mine is delayed or cancelled. I investigate alternate routes on the carrier I’m ticketed on, as well as other airlines with service to my destination. I might even look for flights to another airport that’s not too far from where I’m going. In the event of a delay or cancellation, I can quickly propose these alternate plans to the airline’s customer service – speeding things up for me while making their job easier.

  3. Stay away from lines. I’ve seen hundreds of people in the gate areas lined up to get what’s called re-accommodated when airlines start delaying or canceling flights. By the time these passengers reach the front of the line, it’s likely they’ve already missed the next flight or lost out on the remaining available seats. So the moment you’re aware of a lengthy flight delay or an outright cancellation, call the airline and ask to be confirmed on a new routing. Some carriers, such as Delta, even offer the ability to do this at an airport kiosk or online. If you can’t get through on the phone or their website, use any other means necessary to speak with a representative as soon as possible. This can mean exiting security and going back to the check-in counter – or even paying for a business lounge day pass to promptly speak with an agent. Some travelers have received immediate assistance by tweeting their airline with their problem.

  4. Get out! The only thing more depressing that watching people try to kill the day in an airport is seeing people who are spending the night there. Once you know you aren’t going anywhere for a while, try to make the best of it. If you have a few hours to kill, go to a decent sit-down restaurant and have a nice meal – one of my favorite Alternatives to an Airport Lounge. If you have longer, leave the airport. Nearby hotels may have a free shuttle and offer a reasonably priced day pass to their pool and fitness club. Some airports have observation lounges or even aviation museums, such as the Smithsonian Air and Space annex at Washington Dulles. When you must spend the night, get a room. If your airline won’t give you a hotel voucher, be sure to get a distressed-traveler rate or try these 8 Tips to Save at Any Hotel.

This post originally appeared at Money Talks News.

Consumers Dealt With Even More Delayed Flights In November >

From an Italian standpoint, it is mostly about frustration.

In exchange for lowered borrowing costs over the years, the Italians gave up the flexibility to use monetary policy to compensate for their lack of productivity.

It's a choice of two poisons: if you rely heavily on imports to carry out business, you'd think that getting into the Euro would be positive, but Italians have found out that chronic austerity being hoisted upon them is a lot worse than allowing the Lira freedom to increase competitiveness and attract outside money - allowing you the dynamism of producing more within your borders and actually being an economic growth center. What Italians failed to understand was that in an age where Italy is indeed downsizing population wise, it would have been better to stay out of the Euro and manage with the Lira, attracting dynamism due to more competitive costs of doing business. But they chose the stupid path of stagnating austerity in an environment when the Italian decision makers are just too old and stagnant themselves to do anything else.

The Italian economy is suffocating under the Euro, and there is such a huge difference between them and Germany in the economic profile that anything the ECB does will barely help Italy out, because the ECB has a very limited and restricted range on what it can do to help each individual country - all of which have very different profiles and needs.

Finally, Italy is all about tax evasion - and again, chronic austerity is the worse kind of policy you can impose on an economy where the Milanese used to stuff cash in their backpacks and hike across the borders to deposit their money in Swiss accounts in the old days (they had cars waiting for them on the other side to drive them to the banks).

The consumption/Mafia tax and giving incentives to the Mafia to launder money within the borders is barely helping the south (mezzogiorno) to stay on life support, while all Rome has left is what the Mafia lets trickle into their pockets - but it is not enough. The cost of running Rome has bankrupted the middle class who did not have the luxury to tax evade to the extent of the Milanese. Any laundering in Rome by the middle class is trickle, and that is not enough to run Rome.

Most people have no freaking idea about what REAL Italian economics is like. It might be easy to say that sovereign debt is separate from private sector debt, but the largest Italian companies buy sovereign debt, so all are affected. I am Italian, and most of us are ashamed to speak the real truth.

Deep down most of us know that for our country to have a dynamic future, we need to EXIT the Euro (gracefully if possible). We just do not want to announce it on Bloomberg or the NYT.


For a tax evading society + shrinking population = bad choice to get into Euro, we could have used the dynamic investment much like how Latin America has attracted money over the years to make up for the revenue glut. High borrowing costs would have forced us to develop more of our own resources. Italians would much rather trade stagnation and low borrowing costs (where austerity means that there is no growth to take advantage of the lowered rates) for more RISK and DYNAMISM 9a far more exciting and freer path).


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